Root Chakra


the first and base chakra

I am grounded, I am safe and secure

What is root Chakra?

The root chakra connects us with the physical world, It transfers cosmic energies to the physical and earthly level and lets earthly energy stream into our subtle system.

- ‘‘ The Chakra handbook’’ by Shalila & Bodo J

What root chakra is associated with…

Red & Black colours

Earth element

Cedar and clove



When the root chakra is balanced, you feel connected and safe with your body and mind. Your life is sustained by an unshakable trust. Your connection to the earth also feels strong and you will be able to appreciate what the earth offers you.

Yoga pose for Muladhara Root Chakra

Tadasana or Samasthiti (Mountain Pose)

Tadasana (Mountain Pose) is a basic standing pose that supports the roots chakra as we plant our feet on the ground in order to stand firm and straight.

Tadasana , also called Samasthiti ( Equal Standing ), is a command attention, to stand in balanced stillness. It calls us back to our root which is always connected to centre of the earth.

Find this pose physically and mentally . It will lead to more healthy life. Tadasana is a deeply vital foundational poses for yogis.

Instruction by Shiho

Illustration by Nicky Hartley

Find out more about Shiho & Nicky

Gem Stones / Crystals for Muladhara Root Chakra

Gem Stones / crystals that have healing energy to support us to be more balanced and grounded are listed below…

You may keep them close to you whenever you like to feel more grounded.

Red Jasper

Black Tourmaline

Smoky Quartz


Black Onyx


Sacral Chakra


Chakra Journal